Risk Perception in Domestic Stove: Usability and Security Approach in Product Design
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: José Renato Taborda Ribasa, Maria Lucia L. R. Okimotob, Aurora Dalpinc, Maria Cristina Pachecoc
Abstract: The stove is as indispensable product in residences and at food service places. While there is a better application of a best design in these products, it occurs, still today a great amount of lesions and accidents on handling it, which could be due to various causes. Norris and Wilson (1997) have demonstrated the relevance of ergonomic evaluation methods as helping element on identifying “Designing Safety into Products”. They considered that the product must present an expected reasonable level of security for any person that has contact with it, but this security must be extended to further users, passers and even though avoiding a misuse. Lidwell (2010), also agreed with the concept that accidents caused by human errors, could be caused, instead, by design errors but not by human operation. Thus, facing this scenery of risks and accidents caused by domestic stove, we pursued deepen knowledge and methods to obtain perception risk data on using stove. The objective of this article is to survey information about the risk perception on domestic stove use, in order to discuss aspects of security and usability related to design guidelines.
Keywords: Risk Perception, Safety into Products, Usability, Security
DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1001316
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