Criteria for Measuring the Efficiency of use of Appliances: Survey from Usability Experts and Designers Opinion
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Caio Márcio Almeida e Silva, Alexandre Barros Neves, Stephania Padovani
Abstract: This paper is part of a larger research project that aims to propose a methodological approach that aims to measure the efficiency of use of appliances in Usability Tests. This paper, in turn, aims to develop a list of criteria that should be considered in evaluation the efficiency of use of appliances in Usability Test. To achieve this goal, a research was conducted in the literature, with researchers in usability, with designers specialize in appliances and usability experts. The tools were considered: interview and five-point Likert scale. As a result, the following criteria have been selected as a recommendation to be considered in research that address the efficient use of appliances in Usability Test: efficiency perceived by the participant, the total time to perform the task, number of steps taken to implement the task, number of errors, cognitive effort, number of attempts and number of questions.
Keywords: Design, Usability, Efficiency, Metrics, Home Appliances
DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1001317
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