Ergonomics and Design for Musicians
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Lilia R. Prado León, John A. Rey Galindo
Abstract: This research aimed to identify the potential problems or symptoms related to musculoskeletal disorders in a music students’ population, as well as the risk factors, musicians’ perceptions about the risks in their activities, ailments suffered, music practice habits, and the instruments and objects with which they interact. We carried out a comparative cross-sectional study. We used a questionnaire with 31 multiple choice and open questions. According to the results, the percentage of injuries in this research is 14%; which is less than what Shields and Dockrell (2000) found in similar population. The back and the neck are the areas, most affected by musculoskeletal medical conditions - 60 % of music students report problems in these areas, while 36% of the population is affected in their wrists and shoulders. Surprisingly, 59.1 % answered that their activities are as risky as other professions. 64% of subjects don’t perceive a need for auxiliary objects. , Based on this finding, we identify four routes for design and ergonomics for musicians.
Keywords: musculoskeletal disorders, auxiliary objects, risk perception, ergonomics, design
DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1001320
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