Homes for the Elderly: Environmental Adequacy Versus Costs to Use
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Nicole Ferrer, Marie Monique Paivab, Vilma Villaroucob
Abstract: Seeking to establish relations between the existing theory and practice of the production of more conducive environments to the elderly, whether they are institutionalized or not, many theories have been proposed. As such, this paper aims to evaluate the interdependence of quality and environmental adaptation system management of financial resources in Long-term Stay Institutions for the Elderly. The question here is if the quality of the physical spaces is actually a direct reflection of financial contributions, thereby ensuring the ambience and spatial quality in such institutions. The research aims to evaluate the physical environment through the Ergonomic Methodology of the Built Environment (VILLAROUCO, 2009) in four institutions – one public, two private and one with a mixed source of funds, all located in Northeastern Brazil. The intent of the analysis of the built environment is to highlight any non-compliance with existing laws for Long-term Stay Institutions for the Elderly, which would jeopardize the safety and well-being of elderly residents. Thus, it allows checking the implications financial and administrative aspects have on the quality and ambience of physical spaces and the observation of the importance of these factors for the quality of the built environment.
Keywords: Built Environment, Long-term Stay Institutions for the Elderly, Methodology of the Built Environment
DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1001334
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