“Prepare For Work” Intervention Model in a Group of Operators MSD High Prevalence of Shoulder and Cervical Spine
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Emilio Cadavid, Luz M. Sáenz
Abstract: This paper presents an intervention proposal for a group of workers, known as power line workers, who are responsible for mounting, operating and maintaining energy power lines for a company that provides public utility services in Medellin, Colombia. Power line workers have been characterized by high levels of disability and the adverse effects of MSDs, in particular tendonitis that affects the rotator cuff muscles in the shoulder; a condition that has, in the past, led to high levels of work relocation. Following an analysis of the workplace and the implementation of an instrument for the assessment and perception of musculoskeletal discomfort and the affected joint areas, a proposal known as "PREPARE FOR WORK" was developed. This proposal included: awareness in looking after those body parts to be targeted, a physical exercise program, and a monitoring program that would provide ongoing feedback from the group of workers based on their perceptions of the exercises carried out prior to work. This will lead to the second application of the questionnaire known as Profile of Muscle-Joint MSD Prevention Program, a strategy to measure impact and improve intervention if necessary.
Keywords: Ergonomic intervention, musculoskeletal disorders MSD, physical exercise, prepare for work
DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1001293
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