The Establishment and Evaluation of a Multi-Learning System to Assist the Congenitally Blind to Use the Boshiamy Method to Input Chinese Characters
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Teng-Hua Weng, Sheue-Ling Hwang, Jan-Li Wang
Abstract: By using a sound-decoded input method like Zhu Yin, the congenitally blind are able to input Chinese characters into a computer which allows them to type and access needed information. However, they experience great difficulty selecting the correct same-sounding characters and words from others. Consequently, their overall learning and, oftentimes, career development, suffers as a result of frequent typos which makes them even more socially vulnerable. For this study, a multi-part learning system consisting of instructional materials, three face-to-face taught instructional courses, assistive learning technologies such as NVDA, and a typing performance assessment, is established. Six subjects, three adults and three children, were chosen to participate in this experimental study. During the course of the study, each subject was assisted by a sighted individual who verbally described to the subject the components of Chinese characters. The dependent variables examined were the number of typos typed, typing accuracy, and the speed at which the subjects were able to input the characters. The study also included semi-structured interviews and scenery observation. The preliminary results of the study revealed that the adults experienced limited progression due primarily to problems adapting to the system whereas, conversely, the accuracy rate and typing confidence of the group of children was significantly enhanced.
Keywords: Chinese character learning, Chinese input method, Congenital blindness
DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1001338
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