Scaling of Tactile Models for the Memorial of Justice of Pernambuco, Recife/Brasil
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Terezinha de Jesus Pereira da Silva
Abstract: The article aims to review the design of tactile models for Memorial TJPE regarding ergonomics. The object of study comprises Brum Station located in the city of Recife. The station was built between 1879/1881 and now operates as a museum since 2001. The proposal to develop the work came from the intention of performing an exercise with students of architecture that could be useful to the Memorial and the visually impaired . The relevance of the action occurs by the absence of such material, as well as being indicated by laws, as a compensatory element when accessibility to public buildings do not exist. The method of development of the studies was based on the study of the dimensions of the building; the damage and the accessibility conditions . Six models were made on the scale 1/100. The main results of the discussions were: a) the size of the models in 1/100 scale were considered satisfactory; b) the employed materials had the desired effects and; c) The APEC evaluators will make transcripts to Braille of the names of the spatial organization and other architectural elements in order to enable social inclusion to the historic building .
Keywords: Accessibility, Scale of Tactile Models, Visually Impaired.
DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1001339
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