An Introduction About the Usability of Protective Clothing: A Historical Analysis

Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Charles Ricardo Leite da SilvaPaula da Cruz LandimJoão Eduardo Guarnetti dos Santos

Abstract: This study aims to develop a historical analysis of protective clothing. Initially, it is explained in the analysis adopted. I.e., the combination of a diachronic and synchronic analysis in order to reflect on the design of wearable devices, as investigated, garments of protection. To do so, carry on about the state of the art of clothing, the first record of their presence in the day-to-day company until present models. Finally, we address the particularities of a user-centered design, with a view to effective usability.

Keywords: Garments, Protection, User-Centered Design

DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1001348

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