Creative Design of Powered Wheelchair Based on Concept Analysis and Pleasurable Ideas Proposed by Designers and Educators

Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Masanobu Nishimura aKazunari Morimoto b

Abstract: We conducted the pilot study about construction design concept using the development of design ideas in collaboration with educators and designers. The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of design results in which the new design method we devised brings. We set a design challenge a vehicle to assist the movement of difficulty walking person in this study. First, we share the knowledge about the physical and psychological characteristics of the user. Then, we share the knowledge about the traveling and function they understand each ideas. We figured that a point of view of driving characteristics required for the vehicle for the mobile support. Finally, designers make the basic vehicle design based on knowledge shared with educators and designers and propose design plan of educators and designers change recognition that wheelchairs are substitution of legs and understood that the consideration for difficulty walking persons makes a deeper design. Though there are a lot of design methods, we figured that we created designs full of innovative and interesting ideas with fusion of deep sensitivity and knowledge for target to design by using the design method in collaboration with educators and designers proposed in this research.

Keywords: Design concept, Creative design, Pleasurable ideas, User interface design

DOI: 10.54941/ahfe100580

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