Content Evaluation of Exciting Feeling by Using Biosignals

Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Yoshihiro HaradaTakahiro FuruyaNobumichi TakahashiKoyo HasegawaTomoaki NakazatoMichiko Ohkura

Abstract: Entertainment markets continue to expand, and Interactive systems are becoming more and more common, fueled by the dramatic progress in the fields of computer graphics and hardware (Tetsuro Aoto, 2007). In the content of such interactive systems, important factors include increasing excitement. Thus, we use young adult males in their twenties and assess their opinions of “exciting” by questionnaires and employed it as a keyword to clarify their exciting scene. Based on our questionnaire results, we created two game contents and evaluated whether they elicited exciting feeling using biological signals.

Keywords: Effective engineering, Biological signal, Exciting feeling

DOI: 10.54941/ahfe100597

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