Correlational Analysis Between Work Absenteeism and Aspects of Human Behavior
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Luis Gabriel Gutiérrez, María Alexandra Malagón Torrez, Jaime Alonso Tobón Gaviria
Abstract: This research aims to determine the relationship between medical absenteeism, sociodemographic characteristics and human behavior in the company Gran Colombia Gold Segovia. For this purpose, a study with a quantitative approach and correlational scope has been developed, based on the database of absenteeism provided by the company and made up of 832 records generated during 2020. A simple randomized sampling was used for the selection of the sample, considering a confidence level of 95% and a margin of error of 5%, resulting in a total of 264 records to be analyzed. To associate the study variables, bivariate tables are considered, making use of statistics according to the parametric behavior. According to the above, it is evidenced that trauma and poisoning correspond to more than 51% of the total causes of absences, which were analyzed in a predominantly male population (90%) aged between 40 and 50 years with low educational level, that is, incomplete primary or secondary school, population who have spent a large part of their working life in activities related to mining and inherited from their parents and siblings.On the other hand, it is considered that absenteeism is significantly related to lifestyle, such as smoking, alcohol consumption, excess body mass index, low physical activity and unhealthy eating habits, aspects that explain a substantial proportion of the absence from work of the personnel working in this company, and also obey to adaptive and self-organized human behaviors, which were learned from generation to generation, as well as the learned processes to the development of the technical skills of the mining labor.
Keywords: Human Behavior, Work Absenteeism, Healthy Lifestyle
DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1001038
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