Health and occupational risks analysis in custom border offices
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Irina Severin, Gabriela Nalbitoru, Mihai Caramihai
Abstract: In line with National and European regulations, containing recommendations on the application of legal safety and health requirements for work and for the use of work equipment, the risk analysis has been conducted for two different positions in custom border offices, such as: the custom officer, acting in the non-destructive control department and the customs laboratory, including laboratory physician, biologist, chemical engineer, biochemist. This article aims to present the risk analysis performed using the national method for assessing the risks of accidents and occupational diseases of workers, in order to facilitate the fulfillment of obligations of employers in the prevention of risks at work. The results are compared with those obtained using questionnaires method, based on Delphi approach. Finally, recommendations are addressed to all interested parties, such as: employers and workers in operational processes. A brief action plan is drafted to support regulations implementation in custom border offices.
Keywords: Risk Analysis, National Method, Custom Officers, Prevention
DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1001040
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