Hearing loss, mobile applications and inclusive social environments: Approach to learning sign language for children without disabilities
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Jose Oleas Orozco, Angel Mena, Daniel Ripalda
Abstract: This project was developed in the interest of social problems by inclusion of people with hearing loss in social environment. The investigation was carried out in two stages. The first, a diagnostic analysis focused on the learning of people in the social environment, instead of the individual with disabilities. The project has used a mixed research approach, in the qualitative approach, with semi-structured interviews to the social and family circle of people with hearing loss and to the individual himself. In addition, professionals in the area of learning sign language, expert professionals in special education, were consulted. In the quantitative aspect, surveys were carried out on a group of parents from the "Celite" Bilingual Educational Unit of Ambato city, to determine their willingness to learn sign language to promote social inclusion in their children. Likewise, it was possible to identify their behavior in the face of digital technologies. With the data obtained, it was possible to determine the feasibility of developing interactive applications. The resulting technological application, shows a friendly structure for learning basic phrases in sign language for early ages, focused on children without disabilities. The second stage of the research, with the interactive application for mobile devices running, it was possible to determine the feasibility of using new technologies and communication. The interactive application has audiovisual content in digital animations and interactive resources typical of an application on mobile devices. The App was tested using the target group, children and parents. Subsequently, it was evaluated through the application of surveys to parents, interpreters and people with hearing loss, who certified their experience as users and evaluated its relevance, where favorable results were collected for this initiatives.
Keywords: Hearing Loss, Mobile Applications, Icts, Sign Language
DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1001044
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