Relationship of Emotional Responses with the Activation of Sensory Mechanisms during Interaction Processes with Virtual Products of Mass Distribution

Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Lorena Olmos PinedaJorge Gil Tejeda

Abstract: Today it is clear that Virtual Products affect users in various dimensions from the activation of sensory mechanisms, the cognitive dimension, the ex-ecution of various temporary micro-processes of interaction, the way in which they transfer information until the experiences generated on them. Through the observation of the interaction processes carried out by a group of users on a website with a specific use in a learning environment and with the assignment of a task., There were detected at the end of the interaction the following factors: 1. People consciously described their experience accu-rately. 2) The activation of three dominant sensory mechanisms and their re-lationship with the emotional responses., The responses were derived from the experience. Networks were used to display and describe the information. The intention of these studies is to analyze how emotional responses are sys-temically related during the interaction processes of a person with virtual ob-jects.

Keywords: Virtual Products, Website, Focal Attention, Transfer Of Information, Human Interaction

DOI: 10.54941/ahfe100945

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