The interface design of Chinese input keyboard applied to eye movement control system

Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Lei TangYunfei ChenZiyue HuangQian Chen

Abstract: The typing system of eye movement control mainly adopts the layout of QWERTY keyboard, the design of which increases the bimanual alternate operation based on the frequency of letters to relieve fatigue and improve efficiency. Nevertheless, with regard to the eye control operation, such design significantly increases the movement path of the eyes, which in turn hinders the typing efficiency. In view of this, this research firstly makes statistics on the selected Chinese word set and the transition frequency between letters according to Pinyin input method. In an attempt to ensure that users can minimize eye movement while typing, a greedy algorithm is used to generate an irregular letter layout. On the basis of this layout, a new eye-controlled keyboard layout is designed in this research in combination with the principles of interface interaction design and the physiological characteristics of eye movement control. Finally, by virtue of setting the contrasted eye-controlled typing experiment, this research demonstrates that the new eye-controlled keyboard layout presents a certain degree of advantages in input efficiency and relieving user fatigue.

Keywords: Interface, Eye Control, Keyboard

DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1001062

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