Directive Management In Complex Systems to Promote the Level of Use of Techniques In Operations

Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Lloyd MorrisOlga Jasmin Salazar De MorrisHernán Espejo Viñán

Abstract: Many organizations have fragmented processes that make it difficult for managers to do their jobs, and a similar situation supports academics, among other things, struggling to describe the static functionality of the processes that support research (Garvin 1998). An alternative to address this problem is the use of socio-technical methods to achieve changes in product-service systems (Qiang and others 2020) together with the concept of trans-complex organizations that are addressed in management science as objects of study. (Bravo et al 2020), which provides a viable option to address the objective of this study: Understand the limitations of the interdisciplinary directive management of the academy and the manufacturing sector, in complex systems, to promote the level of use of techniques in operations.The initial hypothesis is that there is a low level of use of operational techniques in manufacturing companies, due to weaknesses in academic-business operational processes, which hinder research and business management. The current study is an ethnographic research, based on the socio-technical system (Bostrom and Heinen 1977), applied, when carrying out the unfolding of the organizational direction, to favor the implementation and development of operational managerial techniques in Venezuelan cement manufacturing processes , through the interdisciplinary academic-business effort, under an open systems approach, facing three important socio-technical categories: the unfolding of the organizational structure, the technological support supports to the management and the individual human context, in the which includes interdisciplinary work through surveys of expert personnel in the field of operations, both in academia and in companies.From the interpretive proposal and the interview scripts applied, the content analysis, the code mapping and the ethnographic triangulation are obtained, the latter is obtained by comparing the aforementioned categories. The results show the need to adjust the policies, procedures and standards of Venezuelan cement companies to facilitate the use of managerial techniques as a guideline to improve organizational competitiveness; in addition, the option of counseling should be incorporated and, at the same time, take up the past experiences regarding training plans, good practices and exchange of indicators. Regarding universities, it is suggested to deepen research teaching, since the greatest evidence of a link to the business context is in the internship or internship programs.Finally, the research has two aspects of management support that cannot be separated: the first is the integration approach between both organizations and the second is associated with the incorporation of technology. Therefore, the hypothesis, at the end of the study, is valid regarding the situation regarding the low level of use of operational techniques and can be reversed when considering the proposals, generating opportunities for improvement in the Venezuelan business context to higher levels of competitiveness organizational.

Keywords: Directive Management, Complex Systems, Socio-Technical Systems.

DOI: 10.54941/ahfe100973

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