Implementation of a Low-Cost Electroencephalography System for the Analysis of Neurological Biosignals for Neuropsychological Studies
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: David Bermeo, Daniel Urgilés, Génesis Vásquez, Diego Almeida- Galárraga, Omar Alvarado Cando
Abstract: Brain Computer Interface (BCI) have developed applications to identify different degrees of cortical activation in different circumstances in humans. This study implemented a BCI system for the analysis of neurological biosignals for studies in Neuropsychology. The acquired information used OpenBCI hardware elements and software to visualize in real time the brain electrical activity set in voltage and frequency parameters. The web application developed allowed visual monitoring of the brain electrical activity of each electrode, the different frequency bands, the averages between cerebral hemispheres and the activation of a servomotor. The distribution of the channels made it possible to obtain the Theta, Alpha, Beta and Gamma brain rhythms in alert and relaxed states with eyes open as well as closed.
Keywords: Implementation, System, Eeg, P300, Neuropsychology.
DOI: 10.54941/ahfe100993
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