Symbiosis Design: An Interdisciplinary Methodology
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: José Silveira Dias
Abstract: Thinking conceptually on what is tangible results in ideas that feed cycles of thought. This incremental continuum gives rise to a reflection on the current crisis of temporal dispersion.Creativity can be continuously stimulated through life-long learning. When exploring societal active methodologies within teaching and learning processes, Design is an interdisciplinary subject aided by: Artificial Intelligence in rethinking the positioning that humans conquered as conscious beings, but which underestimates nature and fails to recognize its dependency on other species; User-centered Psychotherapy and Spatial Interaction towards strategies for emotions and mind impulses which correspond to societal behaviors; Social Sciences in the context of Landscapes and Territorial Dynamics; Bionics and Mimetics reformulating technology through Nature as a model; Human Factors Engineering in the investigation of the cognitive system in the adequacy of physical and digital agents. It is projected consolidate the design of the procedural spiral in the design orientation of a methodology for the Design that leads the memory in anticipation to the retroactive effect of the knowledge that will operationalize responsible creative contents, aiming at the expansion of a remembrance against the forgetfulness of the human being to care Mother Earth.The intention to develop and validate this societal active methodology started from a model (4Xself) elaborated in the context of the PhD that, with the guidance of the respective Practical Assignments Guide, intends to guide a Symbiosis Proto-Methodology. This model was applied in 2019/20 and 2020/21 with students, and preliminary conclusions have already been reached in the scope of SPIRAL project. This project aligns with the 4th SDG on education, specifically target goal 4.7, as we aim to contribute to the SDGs defined by the UN in a transversal way with the methodology. We aspire to achieve acceptance of concepts and practices that integrate the research questions: How to create and implement a Symbiosis methodology that promotes interdisciplinary, sustainable, and ethically committed design processes? How can this methodology consolidate its meaning as a catalyst and aggregator system for acting in the Design process, guaranteeing the benefit of the agents involved?The expected outcomes of this project result from exploring different media channels to disseminate and implement Symbiosis’s proto-methodology whose expertise promote the crossing of knowledge in the respective areas and interactive practices in education, training in companies, in entrepreneurship and professionalization, ensuring the following principles: be transversal to the values and mission of the methodology for a more qualitative strategy in teaching; supporting a transition to information glocalization; reflect on Education as a learning channel for all; encourage a shared responsibility among everyone involved in the design process guaranteeing code of conduct; develop an operational methodology with and for society through Co-design and Participatory Design to better qualify individuals in society and this as a social collectively; improving training methodologies in education through interdisciplinarity and participatory learning; be enrolled in the ECO triangulation in which the Social, Economic and Ecological aspects are marked out between the poles Perception/Production and Nature/Culture in the domains of Design, Art, Science and Engineering
Keywords: Symbiosis Design, Interdisciplinarity, Responsible creative contents, Active practices in education, Societal active methodology
DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1001370
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