Optimizing Human Capital Performance: Influence of Simulation
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Glenn Hodges, Debbie Patton, Samantha Napier
Abstract: Simulations have been employed to train people and provide novel environments topractice and test new skills as well as experiment with new concepts and procedures.The US Department of Defense (DoD) spends millions of dollars each year to provideboth live and virtual training to military personnel. Realizing that simulations offer aplethora of opportunities, the DoD is now spending millions of dollars to design anddevelop what it believes will be the optimal versions of synthetic trainingenvironments to train its workforce. Each of the military services has a slightlydifferent view of how simulation will or should support them in the future. This paperaims to provide readers with insights about the needed human requirements and thepath that the services are on to achieve their future visions with respect to simulation.It will briefly discuss historical, functional, and future views of how simulations havebeen, are being, and are envisioned to support the optimizing of human performance.
Keywords: simulation, human factors engineering, human system integration, human performance
DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1001495
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