Entrepreneurial education: The case of South American countries
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Ximena Morales Urrutia, Diana Morales Urrutia, Stalyn Avila Herrera
Abstract: The interest in the development of an entrepreneurial culture has acquired special importance, both in the academic and social spheres, since it is considered as the engine of growth and economic development of countries, particularly, those that are in the process of development. The objective of the article is to analyze the level of education and its role in entrepreneurial activity from a comparative point of view in South American countries. From a theoretical point of view, a review of the different contributions regarding education, academic and business training in the generation of entrepreneurship is carried out. Methodologically, the research is approached from a descriptive and correlational perspective, based on the data obtained from the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor, for the case of 5 South American countries during the 2010 – 2016 period. The results suggest that education of entrepreneurs should be oriented to the development of skills to face the challenges of today's society.
Keywords: Entrepreneurial, education, development
DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1001502
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