Adaptation Patterns to Cope with Burn Mass Casualty Incidents

Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Sheuwen ChuangDavid D WoodsSen-Kuang Hou

Abstract: Understanding and learning from hospitals’ resilient behavior or adequate responses to beyond-surge capacity incidents to be better prepare staff for offering patients the appropriate, timely care is imperative. The study adopted the previous findings from the Formosa-Fun-Coast-Dust-Explosion studies as the base of data analysis. We synthesized the past discoveries and identified nine adaptation patterns. The results systematically organized how two initial receiving hospitals’ responsive adaptations changed over time to cope with the difficulties in the emergency departments in the aftermath of the mass burn casualty incidents. The benefit of the pattern approach can in-crease the efficiency and effectiveness of the learning process.

Keywords: Resilience, adaptation, mass casualty

DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1001581

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