Design of Painting Workstation for Disabled People
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Mohsen Zare, Antoine Varret, Nicolas Bert, Thierry Rouxel, Hugues Baume
Abstract: Many people with disabilities, especially those with physical disabilities, could work, draw or produce art. However, very few workstations and tools are developed to meet their needs and conditions. The objective of this study is to evaluate the needs of an artist with a disability for an ergonomic workstation and to propose a prototype that increases the comfort and capabilities of people with physical disabilities to perform their tasks. First, we analyzed the tasks/activities, postures, and needs of an artist with a high level of disability while performing his drawing tasks in a real-life situation. Second, we simulated an art studio with the participation of six non-artist subjects with motor and mental disabilities to evaluate the user's experience and difficulties when painting in a similar real situation. Based on these studies, we proposed a specification for the design and prototyping of a painting workstation adapted for people with disabilities.Our analysis showed that very few workstations are adapted for people with disabilities and they must work on the floor with awkward postures, insufficient lighting and limited space. They have to make excessive efforts to perform most of their activities because the tools and workstations do not meet their needs. Based on the specifications extracted from our study, we propose a new design of painting workstation dedicated to disabled people to improve their comfort and performance.
Keywords: Disabeled people, workstation, design, painting, user experience
DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1001670
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