User Experiences Derived from Mass-Distribution Virtual Products are Integrated by the Spatio-Temporal Component

Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Jorge Gil TejedaLorena Olmos Pineda

Abstract: The mass-distribution virtual products affect in various dimensions to the users from the activation of the sensory mechanisms, anatomical responses until various cognitive processes. Through the observation of the inter-action processes made by a group of normal vision users in three mass-distribution virtual products with the assignment of a task was detected a constant in the processes of interaction: the spatio-temporal component. This component was present not only in the process of interaction with the virtual product but also in the process of interaction with the device’s work system. In turn the spatio-temporal component seems to have variations related in the activation of sensory mechanisms which depends on the characteristics of the object. The intention of these studies is to describe -with the use of networks- the spatio-temporal component during the interaction processes with the mass-distribution virtual products and to reflect on how this component affect the human behavior and user experiences.

Keywords: User experiences, Mass-distribution virtual products, spatio-temporal, processes of interaction.

DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1001698

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