The Use of physiological measurement for user experience Assessment: A Bibliometric Analysis

Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Ran GuoYi DingYaqin Cao

Abstract: This paper aims to use a quantitative and visual method to evaluate the history, current, and future of publications regarding physiological measurement for user experience (UX). Since UX has attracted the attention of many disciplines, this field has accumulated numerous research outcomes. Therefore, it is important and timely to make a systematic and comprehensive evaluation of the research output of UX over the last decades. Citespace was used to identify and summarize the publications from WoS from 2010 to 2021. The publication time, country, institution, and author distribution of user experience physiological measurement were recorded and analyzed. Bibliometric maps of authorship, citation, co-citation, and network of co-occurrence of keywords are drawn. The research found that: (1) The international physiological measurement of user experience has gradually developed since 2010, and now it has become a topic of focus for scholars. (2) User experience physiological measurement involves a wide range of disciplines, with engineering and computational science as the main disciplines undertaking important tasks. (3) Physiological measurement of user experience will be more used in VR, AR, and adaptive aging in the future. This study provided later researchers with ideas on the physiological measurement of user experience.

Keywords: user experience, physiological measurement, bibliometric analysis

DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1001707

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