Cognitive prediction model for geophysical prospecting instruments’ user interface based on Confirmatory factor analysis

Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Xiaoli ChenShiyu Chang

Abstract: Geophysical prospecting instruments are indispensable in promoting the development of geophysics. The current user interface of geophysical prospecting instruments is still inadequate in user experience design. In this research, we use qualitative and quantitative analysis to develop a model to measure user perception of geophysical instruments. In the first part, through two questionnaire surveys (N=178), a quantitative index system for geophysical prospecting instruments’ user interface is proposed. In the second part, this article uses the Statistical Product and Service Solutions (SPSS) to conduct an exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and presents a conceptual model. This paper uses the Analysis of Moment Structure (AMOS) to construct and optimize the confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) models in the third part. The result of this research is a second-order three-factor confirmatory factor analysis model is proposed. This model explains the user’s cognitive level that affects the interface of geophysical instruments from three dimensions: reasonable layout (R), interaction friendliness (I), visual simplicity (V). According to this cognitive model, designers can better understand users’ mental level in the design stage, and future products will be more in line with user preferences.

Keywords: User interface, Cognitive model, Geophysical prospecting instruments, Confirmatory factor analysis

DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1001748

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