Modelling And Simulation With Biofeedback For Operators Of Human-Machine Systems

Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Oleg ZhvalevskySergey Roudnitsky

Abstract: Introduction. The simulators are designed for human-machine systems operator training process. It is more appropriate to estimate current operator efficiency and the operator professional readiness level for operator training process effectiveness. Operator functional state monitoring during training process is useful for detection of operator efficiency decreasing. The biofeedback based of operator functional state monitoring can increase operator training process effectiveness. The work is concern with different approaches to development of simulators for human-machine systems incorporated with biofeedback based of operator functional state monitoring.Hypothesis. The work targeted to experimental validation of hypothesis that biofeedback can significantly increase operator training process effectiveness.Aim. The aim of the work is to select features are used for operator efficiency estimation, and to formalize the concept of operator task complexity.Methods. The measurement procedure is viewed as computer simulator. Simulation consists of functional tests series step by step from low complexity level to high complexity level. There are reach stimuli represented by geometric figures. Each figure is characterized by color, shape, size and method of appearance on the screen. Simple stimulus leads to simple operator deeds, but complicate stimulus leads to complicate operator deeds. Each complicate stimulus can be represented as sequence of elementary stimuli. The set of permissible figures and permissible appearance methods are the description of simulation structure. Each functional test is to presentation of fixed complexity level stimuli. The basic features are used for operator efficiency estimation are: reaction speed and reaction exactness. These parameters objectively decrease as a result of stimulus complexity level increasing. Accordingly, there are more sophisticated features such as tiredness degree and operator functional limit.Discussion. The work is concern with measurement experiment is used for operator efficiency estimation. There are some features such as: reaction speed, reaction exactness, tiredness degree and operator functional limit. These parameters demonstrate a strong variability. Accordingly, we need investigate influence of figures characteristics to measurement experiment results individually for each operator. So, there is requires implementation additional psychology tests (for each operator) and comparison their results with computer simulation. Different methods of stimuli formation for the solving this problem are consider and investigate. The question is required by particular consideration is: can we represent the sequence of simple stimulus as complicate stimulus. Biofeedback introduction to simulation leads to possibility of selection of individual complexity level for each operator, and detection of individual functional limit for each operator. Furthermore, biofeedback guarantees robust operator efficiency estimation. Also, biofeedback can help operator to increase his concentration, and increase operator training process effectiveness.Conclusions. Human-machine systems operator efficiency estimation is need for increase the level his functional readiness to prevent critical cases in real world. The technique of operator efficiency estimation is proposed and proved in the paper. Stimuli are described and formalized. The preliminary measurement experiment results are represented. The future considerations linked with more complicated simulators, which can simulate some real world tasks. Also, there is an interest in clarification of biofeedback role in increasing of operator training process effectiveness.

Keywords: human-machine systems, simulators, human functional state, biofeedback

DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1001815

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