Intelligent interactive accompaniment platform to support the learning process for highly vulnerable children
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Luis Serpa-Andrade, Roberto García-Vélez, Vladimir Robles-Bykbaev, Paul Mata-Quevedo, Cristhian Flores Urgiles, Adriana Leon-Pesantez, Lucia Cordero Cobos
Abstract: Access to information and digital tools worldwide is a reality through the internet; Data in the cloud, connectivity applications, work networks, however, in the area of Education we find problems when implementing a strategy of dissemination, use and application of platforms in the vulnerable sector.We speak of the vulnerable sector as the group of families that do not have access to coverage or equipment that allows access to “Information and Communication Technologies”, the statement made by UNESCO shows through an international study that; approximately 1.5 billion students could not attend school due to the COVID19 pandemic, 706 million do not have access to computers, 56 million students live where there is no mobile network coverage, with which they proposed alternatives such as radio station programs and community televisions, in addition 63 million teachers do not have the means to reach students since the doors of schools were closed in 191 countries.It is necessary to accept the educational proposals that exist and translate them into the collective reality without affecting equality of opportunity, a precise case in our proposal taking as input the educational material by the Ministry of Education of Ecuador to implement an intelligent interactive support platform as a support in the learning process directed for highly vulnerable children of the preparatory sublevel, for which the guidelines have been revised and work will be carried out in the form of knowledge modules identified as: Module scope of logical-mathematical relationships, module scope of corporal expression and motor skills , module area understanding and expression of language, module area of artistic expression. These modules will be programmed with content that can be interrelated with interactive books that include a specific game so that the child interacts with the information and activities proposed, giving them instant positive feedback, an incentive to continue in the game and reach complete a unit of study, likewise intelligent interactive multimedia material will be programmed, leaving a set of tools so that the teacher can include other activities with the same virtues mentioned
Keywords: interactive platform, support the learning process, vulnerable children
DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1001888
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