Design Of A Rehabilitation System Monitoring Gait Of Users With Parkinson’s Disease: Data Visualization As A Methodological Tool
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Silvia Imbesi, Giuseppe Mincolelli
Abstract: The PASSO project uses a User Centered approach to design and develop a smart system allowing alternative approaches and strategies to the management of motor impairments related to PD. One of the methodological objectives of the project was the improvement of communication in the multidisciplinary team working for the system development. In this paper authors describe how data visualization was used as a project tool giving some benefits as quick information comprehension, a deeper understanding of important factors influencing next stages of the project, a bigger involvement of the group members in the project, and, finally, an increased possibility of achieving results quickly and cheaply, due to more accessible information. In the paper is reported a case study of data representation used in the PASSO project for the communication of results obtained from the testing protocol to the multidisciplinary team.
Keywords: User Centered Design, Design for ageing people, gait monitoring, sensory cues, biofeedback, mHealth system
DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1001907
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