Evolution and Development Trends for Experience Design of Manufacturing Enterprises under the Background of Industry 4.0

Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Yonghong LiuZhaorui ZengYanlin YinYiming Song

Abstract: The overall level of intelligent development of Chinese manufacturing enterprises (CME) is relatively low, and there are problems of large cost investment and low profitability in the process of realizing intelligent transformation. Starting from the development status and trend of Chinese intelligent manufacturing enterprises (CIME), this paper studies the application evolution and trend of experience design (EXD) in CME, and deeply analyzes the EXD problems of CIME. It proposes to build cross-organizational user experience design (UED) management and cross-product life cycle (LC) EXD strategy based on C2M (customer to manufacturing), help CIME solve problems such as lack of innovation momentum and effective links for collaboration and bring about transform and upgrade.

Keywords: Industry 4.0, experience design, intelligent manufacturing by design, collaborative innovation

DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1002023

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