The Application of Visual Translation in Synaesthesia to Product Design

Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Xiaodong GongYue Ji

Abstract: The purpose of the study is to extract and construct the development and method of synaesthetic visual translation in product design, provide new design thinking, and enrich user experience. This paper employs a mixed method of case study, practice, fuzzy evaluation, etc. Through case analysis, the manifestation of visual translation in product design is summarized, the translation law between vision and other senses is abstracted, a method to achieve visual translation is built, and research conclusions are verified through design practice. Based on fuzzy evaluations, the development of synaesthetic visual translation is established, and a reusable visual translation design method is proposed, which enriches product connotation while improving comprehensibility, and realizes a multi-dimensional and in-depth user experience.

Keywords: synaesthetic translation, visual translation, image schema, product design

DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1002027

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