Supra-Recycling: an Opportunity for The Generation of Environmental-Cultural Ventures

Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Cesar GuevaraFreddy Rodolfo Lalaleo AnaluisaDiego Mauricio Bonilla JuradoIvanna Karina Sánchez Montero

Abstract: Entrepreneurships have established themselves in micro, small, medium and large companies or organizations that are and have always been the main source in terms of the generation and movement of capital, through which, since the beginning of humanity , people have generated resources and satisfied different needs, through their initiative, creativity and ability. Within the scope of study, the local discourse is considered as a local composition, which encompasses objects and places that are closely related to the cultural identity of a region. In this sense, one of the resources that the local discourse has is that it allows us to discover the intrinsic values of a country, region, community, neighborhood, among others, which combined with the innovation and creativity that the incorporation of the supra process demands -recycling, allows the transformation of certain solid waste and convert it into commercial products that have a certain relationship with the cultural identity of the region where the enterprise is generated. Within this combination, the field of innovation plays a preponderant role, since it must be a continuous process, supported by a methodology for the generation of knowledge, the use of opportunities, its development and protection. On this basis, the objective of this manuscript is focused on determining the influence that the local discourse has as an alternative for the undertaking of new businesses, taking advantage of the waste generated by the province of Tungurahua. Likewise, the study is of a qualitative descriptive type, in which interviews were applied to informants (expert, specialist, and key informant), collecting relevant information through the triangulation of sources that allowed to establish ideas that allowed to promote entrepreneurship in the province in based on the reuse of waste. Regarding the results, these indicate in the first instance, the feasibility of developing products where the culture of the region is rescued and represented in analysis with the use of recyclable materials, giving way to the so-called management plan of cultural products where will be able to organize the resources that contribute to the sustainability of the cultural identity of the peoples considering that the province itself within the inventory of cultural attractions registers a diversity of attractions that can be highlighted to translate a series of ideas into final products that highlight culture and tradition, in addition to the above, the opportunity to undertake business can be determined through strategic alliances, thus achieving the recognition of culture, and consumer acceptance and finally take advantage of sustainable development to undertake a series of programs that help the knowledge of recycling management and achieves r determine its classification and use considering the importance of sustainable development for the well-being of future generations and the planet in general.

Keywords: Economic growth, culture, social development, entrepreneurship, recycling

DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1002011

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