Portugália publishing house and designer João da Câmara Leme
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Elisabete Rolo, Rafaela Costa
Abstract: In the history of Portuguese graphic design, the editorial design assumes an important role, especially through the covers – an object to which designers and visual artists were most often called to act. In this context, the Portugália publishing house stood out as a reference in the 50s, 60s, and 70s of the twentieth century and, concomitantly, the designer João da Câmara Leme, as he was primarily responsible for the design of the covers of this publisher. This article describes the path of the Portugália publishing house and João da Câmara Leme through a literature review. And through the collection and analysis of examples of covers he designed for Portugália, we seek to identify the main characteristics of his work.
Keywords: Portuguese graphic design | João da Câmara Leme | Portugália | covers
DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1002045
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