The influence of the visualization modality on consumer perception: A case study on household products

Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Almudena PalaciosFrancesc OchandoJorge CambaManuel Contero

Abstract: Recent advances in visualization technologies have changed how products are presented to consumers. Sophisticated digital media modalities are gradually replacing traditional formats, but certain product features are difficult to evaluate, which may result in significant perceptual differences. In this paper, we report the results of a within-subjects study in which a group of 40 volunteers evaluated three different designs of a common household product (i.e. a coffee maker) presented in three different visual media: photographs, a non-immersive virtual environment, and an augmented reality experience. Our results show that the presentation medium has a significant effect on product evaluation, and that the semantic scales in Jordan’s socio-logical pleasure category are the most affected by the change of medium.

Keywords: Mixed realities, virtual reality, consumer products, perception and psychophysics

DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1002050

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