Using Diagrams to Explain Brand Concepts and Implement Visual Identities

Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Rogério RibeiroDaniel RaposoRita AlmendraJoão Neves

Abstract: Most companies subcontract consultants or companies specialised in Design and Branding. In this context, most of the Visual Identity (re)design projects of the brand/corporate end up being developed externally to the companies.The Design and Branding consultant or company usually plays a role in the stages of request, research, concept, strategy, tactics and, tending to disappear during the operationalization or implementation.A brand Visual Identity project implies the participation of several external specialists who intervene in the implementation of tasks and components that must be integrated. In the same sense, it requires the participation and awareness of the company's employees, so that they are active participants in the effective communication of the brand, always ensuring its consistency over time.The operationalization steps of a brand/corporate Visual Identity are crucial for its success, regarding the adequate implementation in terms of graphic quality and coherence, but also in the perspective of brand management, which requires good brand-business integration and the monitoring and correction of actions that impact on people's understanding and experience with the brand.It is recognized the relevance of diagrams in improving the understanding, the accessibility, and the enjoyment of complex information.In this study, we intend to understand how diagrams allow explaining complex concepts in the Brand Design universe, namely business structures, organizations, or methods, with several levels of importance or sequence, with main cores and right or possible declinations or dependencies. The methodology of the study focuses on case studies of explanatory type and literature review.The results consist in identifying the most relevant and useful characteristics of diagrams in the visualisation of information, particularly to explain concepts and assist in the implementation of a brand/corporate Visual Identity.

Keywords: Visual Brand Identity, Visual Thinking, Diagrams, Visualization of Brand Information, Brand Information Design, Graphic Aids

DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1002032

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