Karaoke Game with Body Movement Tracking for Investigating Singing-motor Interactions: System Proposal
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Ryota Horie, Luiz Fernando Pedroso
Abstract: This paper presents and discusses the design, implementation and initial results of a game system using a singing-motor paradigm, using karaoke singing combined with a human-computer interface through body movement recognition. The purpose of this system is to collect experimental data on how karaoke singing and body movement interact and how they affect each other, in order to analyze the data from the perspective of human-machine interface, immersion, gameplay and entertainment. At the end, the results and outputs of the development are presented, and some follow-up proposals are discussed.
Keywords: Human-Computer Interface, Game Design, Body Tracking, Karaoke, Gestor Sensor
DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1002087
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