User Interface Assessment of a Tool for Digital Learning in Nursing
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Jan Neuhöfer, Sabine Hansen, Tim Wöllenstein
Abstract: Digital Learning has gained importance for vocational training in a broad range of professions. In times of uncertainty, like experienced with the COVID-19 pandemic, this is especially true for the healthcare sector, as classrooms and training facilities may not be accessible or even available. At this point, tools for digital prequalification and learning can generate a decisive benefit, as they allow individual, self-paced transfer of knowledge independently from physical facilities, and as part of on-site or online classroom teaching. Web-based trainings (WBTs) are a good example of appropriate, proven technology, which makes interactive, multi-lingual learning content available on a broad range of mobile devices, like laptops, tablet PCs and smartphones. As WBTs offer manifold possibilities to accommodate information, an adequate user inface is crucial to make this information accessible, but also to reduce the on-screen information where reasonable. In our paper, we present a learning module for nursing training and its user interface. We outline the interaction concept behind it and describe all its interactive elements, such as tabs, buttons, and pop-up boxes. We also show the results of an empirical study featuring eye tracking in which we assess perception, comprehensibility, and motivation.
Keywords: E-Learning, User Interface Design, Eye Tracking
DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1002110
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