A design of emergency services for pre-hospital cardiac arrest

Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Jinyu CaiJing LuoRuling Yang

Abstract: The frequency of sudden cardiac death is increasing year by year. Timely rescue of cardiac arrest patients using aed devices can greatly improve patient survival rates. However, in most cases, patients do not receive timely assistance. The purpose of this project is to provide more timely and safer rescue for cardiac arrest patients. Therefore, this design integrates relevant resources through a set of service design to improve the response rate of cardiac arrest events and allow patients to receive timely assistance. First, we use literature reading method to understand the current development of technology and services. Then, we conducted structured interviews with stakeholders about the EMS process. Based on this, we used functional analysis and scenario simulation methods to explore the needs and summarize the service touchpoints. Finally, service design tools, such as service blueprints, user journey maps,system map etc., are used to describe the service design. The results of this project will help to improve the survival rate of cardiac arrest patients, and also have some reference value for the improvement of urban EMS system.

Keywords: service design, AED, pre-hospital first aid

DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1002119

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