Analysis of antibiotic purchasing service design based on SAPAD-AHP method
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Conference Proceedings
Authors: Miao Liu, Wenjun Wang
Abstract: In the medical field, more than half of people will choose antibiotics for self-medication, they believe that antibiotics can be used for illnesses such as colds and fevers, or even for viral infections, which accelerates bacterial immunity to antibiotics. Misuse of antibiotics is not only unhelpful, but can damage the organism in a variety of ways that can lead to drug resistance, drug toxicity and allergic reactions. Worldwide, hundreds of thousands of people die each year due to bacterial resistance. In China, the use of antibiotics is even higher in outpatient and inpatient settings. The misuse of antibiotics poses a serious threat to the effectiveness of their use. In order to raise awareness of the dangers of antibiotic misuse, reduce people's choice of non-essential antibiotic medication, and expand and improve monitoring of health care institutions, this study introduces the SAPAD model and AHP to tap into users' real needs and complete a study of users' service design system for antibiotic drug purchase.The article uses observation method, user interview method and questionnaire method in the early stage to get the process of users' medicine purchase in common flu. Based on the SAPAD model framework, the user behavior is disassembled, and the people and things involved in the drug purchase process are listed to complete the mapping of behavior-object-meaning. The study obtained meaning clusters by clustering analysis of meaning layers, and combined with AHP to calculate the weight of each meaning cluster to derive core meaning clusters. The SAPAD model is a user-centered model framework for solving practical problems, which can start from the user's behavior, analyze, cluster and reorganize the meaning behind the behavior layer by layer, and finally dig into the user's real needs; the AHP method combines qualitative and quantitative analysis, and is highly logical and scientific, which can be applied to this topic The effective combination of SAPAD model and hierarchical analysis can gradually quantify the qualitative analysis and obtain more objective research results, which provides new ideas for the theoretical research framework of service design.This study completes the construction of meaning-based objects through the mapping of core meaning clusters to objects. The research process analyzes the key behaviors of users in purchasing drugs in common influenza, and obtains four semantic level meaning clusters through cluster analysis, namely "want to buy drugs quickly and correctly", "want to fully understand the effects of drugs", "want doctors to provide advice on appropriate medication" and "want to raise awareness of antibiotic medications". The study used AHP to analyze the meaning clusters and calculated the weights of each level to obtain the core meaning clusters of "buy the right medicine quickly", "get the right medication diagnosis", and "understand the effect of the medicine".The study reconstructed the service design system for users to purchase drugs in the process of common influenza through user requirements, summarized the key design elements, and improved the service function modules of online drug purchase and online consultation and advice.This study combines SAPAD model and AHP to design research on the user's antibiotic purchase process. Through the SAPAD model, we deeply study the user behavior, get the mapping of user behavior and meaning, and combine the quantitative research of AHP to get the core meaning cluster "quickly buy the right medicine", "get the right diagnosis of medication" and "understand the effect of medication", which guide the design of the service system of user's medication purchase process and the design of the APP for online medication purchase consultation. The SAPAD-AHP method in this study improved the function of the service system for antibiotic purchase process, and the designed output APP effectively improved the user's knowledge on the cautious use of antibiotics, strengthened the supervision of doctors' prescribing of antibiotics, and provided an effective solution to improve the problem of excessive use of antibacterial drugs in primary care institutions and rural areas.
Keywords: Antibiotic purchase service system, SAPAD model, AHP, Service design
DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1002124
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