How to Design Traffic Infrastructure to Support Cyclists’ Interaction with Autonomous Vehicles: Teenage Cyclists’ Perceptions

Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Obiageli Lawrentia NgwuAnika RimuShuchisnigdha Deb

Abstract: Cycling is a popular transportation mode for teenagers; however, statistics show that bicyclist fatalities on minor roads are higher for teenagers (44%) as compared to older bicyclists (28%). The implementation of automated vehicles (AVs) is expected to make roads safer. Nevertheless, very few studies have focused on cyclist-AV interaction, especially on teenage cyclist population. This study examines teenagers’ perceptions on infrastructures necessary to share roads with AVs. A virtual focus group study with twenty four participants evaluated six potential traffic infrastructure designs using discussion and survey questions. Participants’ data on demographics, generic cycling behavior, and personal innovativeness were collected. Results show that participants showing risky cycling behaviors on roads were more flexible in design guidelines compared to teenagers exhibiting positive cycling behaviors. Teenagers mentioned coherent, direct, safe, and comfortable being the most important factors to design supporting infrastructures for AVs. They preferred spacious bike lanes, clear markings, clearance between cyclist and vehicle lanes, and physical barriers separating AVs and cyclists.

Keywords: Teenage cyclist, autonomous vehicles, traffic infrastructure

DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1002151

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