Minimum hand haptic perception thresholds

Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Emanuel SilvaJosé GriloTiago MatiasRui GomesAdriano CarvalhoPaulo CardosoNelson Costa

Abstract: This paper is a short review of the recent state of the art relating to the study of vibration perception thresholds (VPT), sensed by the fingertip(s) of the human hand. To this end, papers regarding the topic of assessing VPT, released between 2011 and 2021, were collected and reviewed. Focus was given regarding the experimental set-ups, particularly the choice of algorithms and instruments used, the choice of body locations and frequencies to study, characteristics of the recruited subjects, and experimental duration. The main results each study reported were also analyzed. From this work, it became clear that although the choice of instruments and the characteristics of the studied populations tended to vary somewhat between studies, the reviewed studies had other aspects in common, such as the prevalent use of the von Békésy algorithm, the assessment of VPT on the finger pad of the index finger on all but one of the studies, and some overlap regarding the choice of analyzed frequencies

Keywords: vibration perception thresholds, fingers, sensory perception, vibration, tactile perception

DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1002153

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