The systemic transitioning strategy of Re-orienting “Head-portering” task from an objectively “bad” job to a subjectively “good” job.

Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Majoreen Osafroadu Amankwah

Abstract: This study examined the systemic re-orientation of the “Head portering” task from being an objectively “bad” job to a subjectively “good” job. The purpose was to understand whether such systemic transitioning manifests a business that could be deemed a blessing or otherwise to the socioeconomic development of Ghana. Using a semi-structured interview approach, data was collected from forty head porters and analysed qualitatively. Most of the head porters were found to view the head portering activity as a business which could be deemed a blessing due to its non-stringent requirements as an employment subsector. Most of them were also found to classify their tasks as a job with enhanced job security due to its non-seasonal and non-capital-intensive characteristics, and also, its non-academic certification requirement. It was concluded that the head portering task serves as a subjectively “good” job-engagement pathway for the less-educated youths and thus, serves as a business that helps alleviate unemployment in Ghana.

Keywords: head potter, unemployment, stepping stone

DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1002160

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