The Use of Artificial Intelligence in Job Seeking and Competence Development
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Markko Liutkevicius, Sadok Ben Yahia
Abstract: Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the public and private sectors create new opportunities worldwide. One of such domains where the elements of AI play a critical role are recommendation systems related to finding a new job and offering training suggestions. Based on current literature, only a few attempts are made to implement intelligent recommendation systems in public sector environments such as employment agencies. In this regard, the existing state-of-the-art models should be explored for creating AI-enabled e-services helping unemployed citizens to find suitable jobs or to receive training suggestions based on their profiles. While job recommendation and training suggestion is still a constantly evolving area of research, the task of the current study is to support this research domain by firstly mapping the state-of-the-art AI techniques used in the current job and training recommendation system research literature. Secondly, in collaboration with multiple stakeholders in the Estonian public sector and universities from Latvia and Finland to conceptualize citizen-centered public service architecture that uses AI and is accessible to every European citizen.
Keywords: recommendation systems, artificial intelligence, personalized recommendation, unemployment
DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1002260
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