Development of Social Workers Stress Tolerance in the Process of their Professional Activity
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Oksana Kravchenko, Marina Mishchenko, Olena Soroka, Anna Levenets, Valentyna Korolchuk, Serhii Myronets, Svitlana Tsymbal, Iryna Vahotska, Natalia Hotsuliak
Abstract: The process social workers of different ages develop their high stress tolerance is the subject of study analysis in the article. A theoretical analysis of the phenomenon of "stress" is carried out, the content and essence of high stress tolerance and the essence of the concept of “high stress tolerance of the personality of social workers” are determined as an integrative dynamic structure that activates the ability to comprehend the specifics of a stressful situation and its own capabilities to overcome it, adequately react emotionally to various stressors, to change stressful (stress-producing) conditions and maintain the effectiveness of the activities performed.The features of the professional activity of social workers are considered. It was found that the overwhelming majority of social workers of all age categories have an average level of high stress tolerance, which indicates that in many stressful situations associated with the characteristics of their professional activities, they are able to regulate their own emotions, perform professional tasks at the proper level and maintain an optimal operability level.
Keywords: stress tolerance (stress resistance), social worker, stress, professional activities, age group, early adulthood, middle adulthood, late adulthood
DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1002269
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