Conceptual Description of the Key Attributes of Human Resource Management Practices in a Developing Economy
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Helen Ifedolapo Babalola, Clinton Aigbavboa
Abstract: Human resource management practices are implemented to build an organisation supportive of cooperation and interaction, promote human and social development, and encourage career growth. There is evidence that studies have been conducted in diverse fields to identify the elements that contribute to the success or failure of the application of human resource management practices (HRMPs). However, the key attributes of HRMPs as critical factors for successful human resources (HR) performance and productivity are unknown in the Nigerian construction industry. Based on this, the paper reviewed the literature on existing conceptual models of HRMPs frameworks. Through the detailed review of the journal, conference papers, and academic thesis, fifteen (15) HRMPs attributes were identified. However, the top elements were determined by assessing the level of influence of the attributes on a five-point Likert scale through mean ranking. The top six (6) factors were training and development, recruitment and selection, performance appraisal, rewards, communication, and emotional intelligence. The study recommended that HR should acquire more knowledge beyond their current job to optimize performance. Most suitable applicants should be allowed to fill existing vacancies. There should be an evaluation of employees' performance that brings about rewards. Finally, workers' state of mind that balances their responses brings about a sound communication system. The developed model indicates the practical implications of the HRM system for the construction industry. Therefore, combining these factors enhances effective HR performance and productivity in the industry.
Keywords: Human resource management practices, Construction industry, Training and development, Communication, Emotional intelligence
DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1002277
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