The Impact of Social Advertising on Student Adaptation in Higher Education Institutions

Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Oksana KravchenkoOlena BaldyniukHalyna BondarenkoYuliia PidvalnaTetiana Okolnycha

Abstract: The article considers the organization of psychological and pedagogical work with first-year students. It is established that during the period of studentship young people are included in the system of relationships in a new social adult environment. In this regard, it is very important that young people are actively involved in the educational process in higher education institutions, successfully coping with the requirements for learning, receiving a set of necessary competencies that can be successfully applied in practice in the future. The main problems arising in the first-year students are outlined: the new system of education; a different mode, loading and requirements; a new social role; relationships with fellow students and teachers; problems in social and everyday life; independent life in the new conditions for nonresident students.Analysis of the scientific literature allowed us to conclude that a significant potential for solving the problem of student adaptation in higher education is social advertising.

Keywords: adaptation, social adaptation, socialization, social work, students, freshmen, advertising, social advertising, social advertising competition

DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1002291

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