Changes in Lactate After the Completion of Repetitive Cycle Exercises with and without Compression Arm Sleeves
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Amber Rohrer, Daniel Conde, Samuel Montalvo, Manuel Gomez, Jennica Juarez, Gabriel Ibarra-Mejia
Abstract: Occupational compression sleeves are commonly used to relieve pain in the upper and lower extremities. Anecdotal data agree on the benefits of using compression sleeves while performing physical work. The purpose of this study was to assess the effects of wearing compression sleeves on the upper limbs on blood lactate concentration while completing a physically demanding activity. This study included six college-age participants from the University of Texas at El Paso. Anthropometric measurements were taken before the beginning of the study. Afterward, each participant’s basal capillary blood lactate level was established by averaging lactate concentration from three consecutive days. Capillary blood samples were taken from the participant’s earlobe, and lactate concentration (mmol/L) was assessed using the Lactate Plus Lactate Analyzer (Nova Biomedical). After obtaining all the baseline measurements, each participant completed six simulated work sessions, one with sleeves and another without sleeves, at an intensity of 25 Watts, 50 Watts, and 75 Watts a cadence of 60 RPM, and 10 minutes of duration. All participants rested for at least 72 hours between sessions to prevent muscular fatigue effects of lactate concentrations. The use of compression sleeves showed an average reduction of lactate concentration of 0.2 mmol/L. This study shows the potential benefits of wearing compression sleeves while performing activities involving the upper limbs by helping prevent lactate accumulation, a common indicator of muscular effort.
Keywords: compression sleeves, lactate
DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1002617
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