Learning from speaking up by learning to speak up

Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Dimmy Van DongenFrank GuldenmundJop GroenewegIrene GrossmannPeter RoelofsmaNienke Luijcks

Abstract: Of all the events that contribute to deaths due to preventable medical errors in healthcare, ineffective communication is one of the most frequently identifiedprimary causes. Failure to speak up or to get others to listen is part of this ineffective communication. Therefore, speaking up behavior of healthcare workers is seen as an important factor to improve patient safety. However, more research is needed to understand 1) the most important influencing factors of speaking up behavior, 2) what kind of speaking up behavior is used and is most effective in preventing adverse events and 3) what is the role of the receiver and the work environment.

Keywords: Healthcare, speaking up behaviour, psychological safety, communication

DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1002633

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