Application of information technologies for social inclusion: current trends and future prospective
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Biruta Sloka, Ieva Brence, Henrijs Kalkis
Abstract: Remote work and remote studies has increased in great extent the requirements of information technologies use and skills to apply information technologies. In European Union countries annually it is checked the availability of computer software as well as skills of information technologies use: there are annually conducted surveys on survey on use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in households and by individuals. The aim of the paper is to research theoretical aspects and to analyze internet use in regions of Latvia for checking on whether there is statistically significant use. The source of the data is the questionnaire No. ICT-persons “Use of computers and the internet in households”. As well as Labor Force Surveys, EU-SILC survey data. Research methods applied: scientific publication analysis, time-series analysis of internet use in Baltic countries, analysis of data on differences of availability of computers in households by regions of Latvia by analysis if variance or ANOVA, by territories (urban and rural) by t – test and by household size by ANOVA.
Keywords: Social Inclusion, Information Technologies, Internet Use
DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1002652
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