Self-directed Shop Floor Teams for Industry 4.0

Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Bastian PokorniErdem GelecStephan VerhasseltStefanie Findeisen

Abstract: Pharmaceutical packaging processes are changing drastically in their characteristics from low order-mix with high volumes to a situation with a high order-mix with low volumes due to increasing individualization of products. This requires highly flexible automation concepts on the one hand and very flexible work organizations on the other. As part of Industry 4.0, a wide range of technologies are being researched and implemented. The work organization in the production of the future remains insufficiently researched. The performance potential of self-directed and agile teams has been confirmed in the field of knowledge work. The importance of self-direction and autonomous work teams has been emphasized in lean manufacturing in the past, but there is a lack of practical examples of how such organizational forms can look and which potentials can be realized regarding productivity, flexibility and employee satisfaction. Based on concepts of decentralized decision-making, shop-floor workers are empowered to take responsibility for the organization and control of processes. This paper presents a case study in which the planning and implementation of self-directed and agile teams in production was realized.

Keywords: Agile Organisation, Self-directed teams, Industry 4.0

DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1002687

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