Numerical study of the airflow around the occupant using confluent jets system
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Eusébio Conceição, Maria Inês Conceição, Maria Manuela Lúcio, João Gomes, Hazim Awbi
Abstract: In this paper the numerical study of the airflow around the occupant using confluent jets system is made. This study uses a software that considers a coupling between Computational Fluid Dynamics and the Human Thermal Modelling numerical models with the inputs from the Building Thermal Modelling numerical model. The coupling of numerical models is used to evaluate the human temperature distribution, using the Human Thermal Modelling numerical model, the airflow around the occupants, using the Computational Fluid Dynamic numerical model, and the room surrounding temperatures, using the Building Thermal Modelling numerical model numerical model. In this numerical work, developed for winter conditions, the airflow around the occupants and inside the space are evaluated for a confluents jets ventilation system, build with one exhaust and one inlet ventilation systems. The study is made inside a virtual chamber, occupied with two virtual manikins and equipped with one tables and two chairs. The air velocity, air temperature, Draught Risk, carbon dioxide concentration and air exchange rate field around the occupants and inside the space are evaluated.
Keywords: Human Thermal Modelling, CFD, Coupling Methodology.
DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1002941
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